Category: cybersecurity

May 24, 2019
Microsoft RDP easy way into an organization – A two-edged sword

Microsoft RDP protocol is one of the main focuses of bad actors in these days. There are reports for numerous successful breaches in small and medium sized organizations with heavy use of RDP from outside.

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November 7, 2018
Cisco SIP inspection based DoS attack

The vulnerability is based on the SIP inspection code that handles SIP signaling packets.

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April 9, 2018
Yet another critical vulnerability found for Cisco devices

On the 29th of March a company that deals with security in embedded devices, called Embedi published their discovery about a critical vulnerability in most Cisco Switch devices (both running IOS and XE).

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March 2, 2018
Memcached – Newest amplification attack out there

In the last months and years we have seen multiple DDoS attacks based on amplification techniques (DNS, NTP, Chargen, SSDP)

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December 20, 2017
Modern security landscape, trends in malware and counteracting security controls

Malware is evolving constantly. The threat landscape is so dynamic that yesterday’s news is not news today. The malware business is a full-blown industry that can easily size up with the IT security industry.

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October 25, 2017
New Ransomware on the loose

Remember Mira? The worm that prayed on unsecure IoT devices. It managed to spread and gain control using quite a simple method to gain entry – reusing the hard-coded or default password for IoT devices which were well-known by then, and the spreading was done via the EthernalBlue SMB exploit.

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October 25, 2017
New VPN/crypto attack – DUNK (Don’t Use Hard-coded Keys) attack

The security environment is so dynamic these days, it is certainly interesting to see how things change all the time, vulnerabilities are found almost every day, exploits are being developed at a whopping pace and even for professionals, just keeping up with it all is very challenging.

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June 30, 2017
Nyatya – a Wiper Malware disguised as Ransomware

A new malware Nyetya (combination of words from Nye Petya, meaning NOT Petya), also known as Petrwrap and GoldenEye has been spreading globally over the last 24 hours.

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May 15, 2017
WannaCry crypto virus outbreak

As you might be aware this Friday (12th of May 2017) there was a massive outbreak of a new type of crypto virus dubbed WannaCrypto aka WannaCry. The UK was hit the hardest, especially in the Health Sector, with Spanish Telecom – Telefonica, along with Portuguese & Argentinian telecoms and Russia.

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November 30, 2016
8 Steps to Secure Your Organization against Cyber-Attacks

There is not a single industry anywhere in the world who are immune from the threat of some form of cyber-attack.

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